Το κράτος του Ισραήλ μπορεί αποτελεί ένα σημαντικό σύμμαχο και εταίρο της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας. Στο στούντιο του Vouli TV φιλοξενούμε τον Πρέσβη του Ισραήλ στη Κύπρο κον Όρεν Ανολίκ  με τον οποίο και θα ανιχνεύσουμε τους τομείς συνεργασίας μεταξύ των δύο χωρών.

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The State of Israel it is an important ally and partner of the Cyprus Republic. In the studio of Vouli TV we are hosting the Ambassador of Israel in Cyprus Mr Oren Anolik with whom we will explore the areas of cooperation between the two countries.

  1. The statement of the prime minister Netanyahu about the investments in the occupied territories by citizens of State of Israel, has allegedly displeased the public opinion in Cyprus. Do you want to state something about it?
  2. Since assuming your duties, there has been a positive extroversion of the Israeli embassy in Cyprus. You met almost all the decision makers on the island and I would love to have your opinion about the island and its leaders.
  3. On September 15, 2020, State of Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, brokered by the US, signed the peace and normalization agreements known as the “Abraham Accords”, in which you played an active role. Please explain us a. What do these Agreements provide and why are they so important? b. Up to what extent have they been implemented? c. How can Cyprus benefited of these Agreements?
  4. Cyprus has developed tripartite agreements with Eastern Mediterranean countries, one of which is the Cyprus-Greece- State of Israel Tripartite. How can this tripartite agreement help effectively in the efforts for peace and progress of our countries?
  5. In September 2020, the Statute of the Natural Gas Forum in the Eastern Mediterranean was signed by its seven founding members (Egypt, Greece, Cyprus, State of Israel, Italy, Jordan, Palestine) with the main purpose of developing a sustainable regional natural gas market in the Eastern Mediterranean for the benefit of the peoples of the region. How State of Israel evaluates Turkey’s reactions to the Forum?
  6. Turkey with its revisionist attitude is causing a number of problems and tensions with almost all the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. In what ways you believe will be forced or persuaded to change its approach?
  7. As I already mentioned, Cyprus – and State of Israel relations have developed impressively in the last decade. In which areas can be more tightening of relations between our countries?
  8. In Cyprus there is a large and flourishing community of Israelites. How satisfied are you with their degree of integration into Cypriot society and how can these relations be strengthened furthermore?
  9. You have visited almost all the officials of this country and you have a strong social activity. How does the ambassador of State of Israel see Cyprus and its people and in which areas would you advise us to improve or even develop?
  10. The Cyprus problem is almost fifty years old and there are no signs of solving it on the horizon. What is considered to be a fair and decent compromise that will be able to consolidate the feeling of security and promote peace on the island?

Watch live at Vouli.TV, Cosmos wireless and on our social media Facebook and Youtube.